One of the main benefit to use django for web development is that it comes with an inbuilt database/filesystem i.e SQLITE. Managing database and files is super easy in django. But there are some drawbacks of using SQLITE...
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-12Sometimes we have to serve a file which may be a large file from our project directory. Suppose you want to transfer a file from your project directory to your friend or to some other person/server/platform....
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-12A sitemap is the first important SEO step which elaborates a website's content to search engines. It provides information to search engines about the available content on our site, which helps them to crawl webpages for indexing....
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-12After reading this article you will never ever search for web development guide neither on Google nor on YouTube....
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-12I'm kind of a person who always likes to get started by installing the things & writing some code. I love that but this time JavaScript requires a little bit of the theoretical basic so that we can understand what things we are learning, how hard and powerful it is and where they can be applied....
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-12In this article we are talking about the most famous HR questions and the mind-set to answer those HR questions....
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-12In today's article I want to talk about how to prepare the best resume to get a job in IT. Yes, everybody wants to have a job and in order to get a job you have to apply for it and when you apply for that, the resume is one good thing that you always submit....
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-12Obviously this article is going to be short. Today I want to answer a question, the question was put up to a random chat when I was doing with the student on Instagram and She asked me the question that what is the difference between programming and coding?...
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-12In this article we will talk about machine learning, what is machine learning? and how we can get started in machine learning....
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-12In this article we are gonna talk about the complete backend development and in fact, I would like to say that this is going to be a guide for complete modern backend development in 2020....
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-12In this article, I walk you through how we can write faster HTML and CSS code. Now I can understand your frustration that as a beginner or intermediate level of web developer it's kind of a hard thing....
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-12Today we are going to talk about how to learn to program ? That is a very difficult question and a lot of people are actually stuck with this....
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-12In this article I want to discuss something awesome and something important. This question has been into my email for a long time and a lot of people just asked this question....
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-12In this article I want to talk about firebase. So what will we deal up? We will deal about "what is firebase?", "where it can be used?"...
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-12In this article we are talking about the great subject of "what is the difference between a library and Framework?"...
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-12After reading this article I promise you that, the concept of Docker will be absolutely clear to you. So let's get started and talk about "what is docker?"...
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-12In this article we will talk about "What is an API ?" also known as Application Programming Interface....
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-12To be honest it's not really fair that we compare apples with oranges. But who told you that world is a fair place? Today we are gonna compare Angular with React....
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-12There are two types of articles, one which I like to write and second which you like to read, usually they overlap with each other....
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-12There are many ways to translate one language into another one. Some people may suggest machine learning, deep learning or may build some neural networks to translate one language to another language....
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-12The NoReverseMatch error is an indication that Django is unable to find a matching URL pattern. Thus, the NoReverseMatch exception in Django is related to URL configuration....
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-12Sometimes we have to use automatic email service in our website for sending OTPs, Tokens, passwords or login credentials etc. For this purpose we use smtplib module...
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-12Django is a Python based web development framework. It is free and open-source. Django is gaining popularity day by day since it was introduced (in 2005)....
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-11robots.txt is a standard used by websites to communicate with web crawlers and other web robots. The standard specifies how to inform the web robots about which areas of the website should not be processed or scanned...
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-11A sitemap is a file where we provide information about the web pages and other files of our site. Search engines like Google, Bing etc. read this file to more intelligently crawl our site....
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-11Choosing correct M.2 SSD for your Laptop | How to check whether your laptop support NVMe or SATA PCIe - Different types of SSDs explained...
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-11Images are the stuff which makes a webpage heavy . One should always try to keep the images optimized for a good pagespeed index....
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-11Always remember that the files (eg. images etc.) that we upload through forms (i.e through POST request) are accessed by request.FILES method...
🔖 Programming 📆 2023-07-11मारी जिदंगी मे जब भी हमे पैसो की जरूरत होती हैं तब हमलोग बैंक या किसी अन्य जगहों से Loan लेते हैं। आजकल तो लोन लेना काफि आसान हो गया हैं...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18भारत के प्राइवेट सेक्टर बैंकों मे से HDFC बैंक बहुत ही famous हैं। लाखों नागरिकों के पास आज HDFC बैंक का खाता हैं...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18दोस्तो आपने शायद कभी बैंक ड्राफ्ट फॉर्म के वारे मे सुना होगा लेकिन हो सकता है की आपको ये मालूम नहीं हैं की आखिर बैंक ड्राफ्ट किया हैं...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18दोस्तो हमारी पैसों को सुरक्षित रूप से जमा करने के लिये FD बहुत ही अच्छा जरिया माना जाता हैं। बहुत लोगों को FD (Fixed Deposit) मे पैसा निवेश करना पसंद हैं...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18आपने कभी Visa Card के वारे मे सुना होगा लेकिन आपको ये नहीं पता है की आखिर Visa card को कैसे बनवाया जाता हैं...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18भारत मे आज भी काफि लोग किराये के घर मे रहते हैं। उनमे से ही काफि लोग Loan ले कर अपना घर/मकान बनाने की सोच रही हैं। अगर आप भी खुदका घर बनाने चाहते हो तो PNB (Punjab National Bank)...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18अगर आपके पास BPL ration कार्ड उपलब्ध हैं तो आप आसानी से 2 से 6 लाख का Loan ले सकते हो।...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18आज के समय मे लोगो के पास Debit Card होना काफि आम बात है। भले ही सबके पास Credit Card नहीं होता हैं लेकिन Debit Card...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18आज के समय मे अगर हमको पैसे की जरूरत हो तो बैंक जाकर पैसा withdraw करने की जरूरत नहीं हैं, हम आसानी से ATM machine से पैसे निकल सकते हैं...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18लोग काम करके जो पैसा कमाते हैं वो अपनी बैंक खाते मे जमा करके रखते हैं ताकि वो पैसा safe रहे...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18जिस तरह हम Atm card और Debit Card की मदद से आप अपनी बैंक खाते से पैसे निकाल सकते हो ठिक उसी तरह Credit Card से भी आप बैंक से पैसा पा सकते हो।...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18दोस्तो Car खरीदने के लिये बहुत लोग सोचते हैं लेकिन Car की कीमत ज्यादा होने वजह से बहुत लोग इसे नहीं खरीद पाते।...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18IDBI बैंक से Business Loan कैसे लें? IDBI business Loan कैसे मिलता हैं...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18बहुत से नये लोगो को इस Card के वारे मे नहीं पता होता हैं इसलिए इस पोस्ट हम आपको बताने वाले है की voter Card कैसे बना सकते हैं।...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18आप किसी Flat, Plot खरीदना चाहते हो, अपनी घर को Repair करना चाहते हो आदि घर से संबंधित किसी भी कारणों से आप Canara बैंक से Housing Loan...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18आज के जमाने मे Online Loan लेना बहुत ही आसान हो गया हैं क्यूँकि Playstore मे आपको Loan देने वाले काफि Apps देखने को मिल जाएंगे...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18अगर पैसा ना हो तो हमें पढ़ाई करने मे बहुत मुस्किल हो सकता हैं। कभी-कभी पढ़ाई करने के लिये हमे किसी दूसरे देश...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18Loan एक ऐसा प्रकिया हैं जिसे लोग अपनी पैसों की दिक्कत या ज्यादा पैसा एक बार मे ही प्राप्त करने के लिये इस्तेमाल करता हैं।...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18हमलोग जितना भी काम कर के पैसा कमा ले, कभी-कभी हमारे जिंदगी मे ऐसा वक्त जरूर आता हैं जब हमे ज्यादा मात्रा मे पैसों की जरूरत पद जाती हैं...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18कभी किसी खास काम के लिये हमलोगों को पैसों की बहुत जरूरत हो जाती हैं, पैसा ना हो तो हमे बहुत परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ता हैं। उस समय हम किसीसे पैसा Loan...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18Gold या सोना एक ऐसा चीज हैं जो पूरी दुनिया मे प्रसिध्द हैं। आज हर कोई इसे लेना चाहते हैं क्यूँकि इसकी कीमत दिन ब दिन बढ़ती ही चली जा रही हैं।...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18स्तो हमारी बैंक खाते मे पैसा होना बहुत ही जरूरी हैं, क्यूंकि हमे कब पैसो की जरूरत पर जाती पता ही नहीं चलता। अगर जरूरत के समय हमारे पास पैसा नहीं होता तो...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18आज मे इस पोस्ट मे आपको बताने वाला हु की Mpokket App से लोन कैसे लिया जाता हैं। सबसे पहले आपको बता दु की मे काफि बार Mpokket से online Loan ले सुका हु...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18जी हा दोस्तो! Yes बैंक छोटे और मध्यम उद्योगपतियों को MSME Business लोन प्रदान कर रहे हैं। इसके माध्यम से आप अपनी business को बढ़ाने और ग्रोथ करने मे इस्तेमाल कर सकते हो।...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18दोस्तो हमलोगों को कभी पैसों की बहुत जरूरत हो जाती हैं तब हम कही से Loan लेने की वारे मे सोचते हैं। आपको बता दु की आजकल लोन लेने की बहुत सी Platform उपलब्ध हैं।...
🔖 Loan 📆 2021-12-18Recent Articles
One of the main benefit to use django for web development is that it comes with an inbuilt database/filesystem i.e SQLITE. Managing database and files is super easy in django. But there are some drawbacks of using SQLITE...
- 2023-07-12Sometimes we have to serve a file which may be a large file from our project directory. Suppose you want to transfer a file from your project directory to your friend or to some other person/server/platform....
- 2023-07-12A sitemap is the first important SEO step which elaborates a website's content to search engines. It provides information to search engines about the available content on our site, which helps them to crawl webpages for indexing....
- 2023-07-12After reading this article you will never ever search for web development guide neither on Google nor on YouTube....
- 2023-07-12I'm kind of a person who always likes to get started by installing the things & writing some code. I love that but this time JavaScript requires a little bit of the theoretical basic so that we can understand what things we are learning, how hard and powerful it is and where they can be applied....
- 2023-07-12In this article we are talking about the most famous HR questions and the mind-set to answer those HR questions....
- 2023-07-12In today's article I want to talk about how to prepare the best resume to get a job in IT. Yes, everybody wants to have a job and in order to get a job you have to apply for it and when you apply for that, the resume is one good thing that you always submit....
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