About Us

www.solution-hub.com is a resource blog platform -
here you will find the solutions of the problems listed below :

1. Problems faced by new/beginner django developers .
2. Tips and tricks for Python code optimization.
3. Problems related to installation (i.e software/hardware installation problems).
4. Full stack web development problems.
5. General programming issues.


www.solution-hub.com was founded by James Roy, who is persuing his master's degree in Electronics & Communication. He has a great knowledge of Full stack web development using Django, Software and hardware installation/testing issues fixing. At this present date – he is operating several niche blogs and working on developing more online tools like documents format conversion,corrupt image's quality ehancing etc.


In the beginning of his journey, James faced lots of trouble with finding right information and guidance towards getting started, and he knows the feelings of beginners when there is no one to help! So he decided to share the experiences – which worked out for him and could help beginners to solve the issues they are facing.

Recent Articles

Changing Database from SQLite to MySQL - Django

One of the main benefit to use django for web development is that it comes with an inbuilt database/filesystem i.e SQLITE. Managing database and files is super easy in django. But there are some drawbacks of using SQLITE...

  - 2023-07-12
How to download a file in django

Sometimes we have to serve a file which may be a large file from our project directory. Suppose you want to transfer a file from your project directory to your friend or to some other person/server/platform....

  - 2023-07-12
How to change base url or domain in sitemap - Django

A sitemap is the first important SEO step which elaborates a website's content to search engines. It provides information to search engines about the available content on our site, which helps them to crawl webpages for indexing....

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How to Make a Website

After reading this article you will never ever search for web development guide neither on Google nor on YouTube....

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What is Javascript - Features and usages

I'm kind of a person who always likes to get started by installing the things & writing some code. I love that but this time JavaScript requires a little bit of the theoretical basic so that we can understand what things we are learning, how hard and powerful it is and where they can be applied....

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Top 5 Interview Questions : Tips for HR round

In this article we are talking about the most famous HR questions and the mind-set to answer those HR questions....

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How to get job in IT - Perfect resume guide

In today's article I want to talk about how to prepare the best resume to get a job in IT. Yes, everybody wants to have a job and in order to get a job you have to apply for it and when you apply for that, the resume is one good thing that you always submit....

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